Friday, October 24, 2008


Due to the overwhelming demand for my eloquent and insightful writing, I have decided to create a blog aptly titled "All But Nine". For those of you that are not familiar with this widely used phrase, it essentially means "You missed the point". Ironic, because here at "All But Nine", there is no real point or topic or direction. My basic idea for this blog is to create a communal writing experience. I want all of you to dust off the cobb webs and contribute to this blog if you feel so inclined. Consider this your virtual soap box on which you can wax (or wane) philosophical on whatever it is that turns you on.

Hopefully you will find some amusement in the posts that will soon grace this blog. If you'd like to write for "All But Nine"; shoot me an email, a sample of your writing, your resume, a valid photo ID, a fifty dollar check and I'll see what I can do.

Seriously though, please join in. Write something. Read the posts. Give us some feedback. And if none of these options make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside; in the words of my badass and ever so brash grandfather, "Put an egg in your shoe and beat it".

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