Friday, December 12, 2008


October. 2003.
A dark knight guards his fortress and all who reside within.
Dare I challenge this master of his domain?
I must. For I am a nomad.
My comrade steals ahead, I catch a final glimpse as he retreats on the way to his chamber...
...But not before he turns, and whispers those wise final words: JUST RUN.
With the grace of a maniacal gorilla I rush past, the Knight calls out - He knows of my name, my place
I cannot look back, I am too far gone
I begin my ascension. stairs two, three at a time, heart racing, at last I reach my place of solitude.
Tonight I sleep with one eye open
For this Knight is omniscient
And I am Caroline Claire O'Donnell and this is not my MF-ing place of residence.

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